Kerr Screw uses state-of-the-art CNC and screw machine equipment and efficient manufacturing processes to achieve total customer satisfaction, delivering value with every order.
Swiss screw machining is perfect for close tolerance and complex parts. Capable of running different grades of metal and plastic, Swiss Screw Machines allow engineers to explore different options to improve performance and reduce cost, while achieving a high level of detail and precision.
Swiss Screw machines generate the features of the part by moving the material and the tool at the same time. Kerr Screws Swiss screw machines have secondary capabilities eliminating the need to do further machining once any small parts come off of the Swiss.
ISO 9002:2008 Certified
Holding Tight Tolerance (within +/- .0001")
Low to High Volumes
Product Traceability
JIT, Blanket Orders, Kanban
RoHS Compliant Materials
Carbon Steels
Stainless Steels
Please submit your CNC/Swiss Screw requirements and one of our product specialists will contact you.
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